BIPOC Inclusion and Diversity

We are a full-service counseling center that provides excellent, evidence-based, and culturally sensitive mental health care with compassion and grace. Our counselors are adeptly equipped to address the multifaceted demands of BIPOC clients.

People are suffering and need restoration, and there is a pressing need in the community for clinicians who possess cultural sensitivity, enabling them to effectively address the unique needs of diverse clientele. This is especially vital due to the increasing number of minority individuals seeking services from a culturally informed standpoint and seeking to be understood and supported within their specific cultural context. The field of psychology lacks a sufficient representation of clinicians and providers of color and Restoration Psychology strives to fill the need in the community.  

  • Representation matters!  Find therapists that can understand and be curious about cultural nuances
  • A safe place to find inclusion and celebration of diversity.  Navigating the world as a minority can be difficult.  America’s current attitudes around race and ethnicity can be destabilizing for us as we experience what it’s like to be the other.  Restoration Psychology is a place for families, individuals to be restores

EQUITABLE ACCESS TO MENTAL HEALTH CARE: Restoration Psychology is committed to providing equitable mental health care to all, regardless of cultural, social, and demographic factors. Numerous studies have found growing mental health disparities existing in the United States that disadvantage BIPOC communities, especially in the case of individuals with Serious Mental Illness (SMI). It is estimated that by 2044, racially/ethnically diverse individuals will comprise over 50% of the American population, yet research has shown that BIPOC individuals not only have less access to mental health care services but also are less likely to utilize such services when they are available, whether from cultural stigmas regarding mental health care or lack of resources. Additionally, BIPOC clients report poorer quality of care, lower satisfaction with the care they receive, and higher dropout rates from these services than their White counterparts, which may be due to therapists who lack cultural awareness and understanding.

While suffering and the need for restoration exist for all individuals, we know that representation matters. Navigating American society and institutions as a minority can be difficult, especially since America’s current attitudes around race and ethnicity can be destabilizing for us as we experience what it is like to be the “other.” Finding a therapist who understands or displays a willingness to learn about cultural nuances is sometimes difficult, and there is a pressing need in the community for clinicians who possess a cultural sensitivity that enables them to effectively address the unique needs of diverse clientele. While the number of BIPOC individuals seeking services from a culturally informed standpoint continues to increase, the field of psychology lacks sufficient representation of clinicians and providers of color. Therefore, Restoration Psychology strives to fill this need in the community. We are committed to providing excellent, evidence-based, and culturally sensitive mental health care with compassion and grace, creating a safe environment to find inclusion and celebrate diversity. Our counselors are adeptly equipped to address the multifaceted demands of BIPOC clients. 

Additionally, there is a notable demand for diversity training and resources within various establishments, including churches and businesses. Restoration Psychology can assist these organizations to foster an inclusive and equitable environment, promoting understanding and collaboration among people from different cultural backgrounds, which can in turn pave the way toward racial reconciliation that restores health and vitality to the larger community.